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Τελετή υποδοχής πρωτοετών
Ημερίδα Υποδοχής Πρωτοετών 2024-2025
Ημερίδα: ΓΕΩΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΝΕΡΓΕΙΕΣ: Εμπειρίες και Προοπτικές
Πρόσκληση στην τελετή Επιτιμοποίησης της κας Παπαγιάννη στο Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών του ΔΠΘ
Προσκληση στην τελετή Επιτιμοποίησης της κας Παπαγιάννη
Ανακοίνωση για την Ημέρα Καριέρας του Τμήματος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών
Προκήρυξη Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος Σπουδών Υδραυλική Μηχανική και Περιβάλλον
ΦΕΚ κανονισμού ΠΜΣ επανίδρυσης
Organ / 5th announcement and program / 2nd Hybrid (physical-virtual real-time) Workshop in “Innovative Seismic Protection and Structural/Community Resilience” Saturday 2nd of September – Monday 4th of September 2023, place: Civil Engineering Department, Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), Conference Center, Xanthi, Greece.
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Organ / 4th announcement and program / 2nd Hybrid (physical-virtual real-time) Workshop in “Innovative Seismic Protection and Structural/Community Resilience” Saturday 2nd of September – Monday 4th of September 2023, place: Civil Engineering Department, Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), Conference Center, Xanthi, Greece.
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«Επιστημονικές εξελίξεις στον τομέα της Διαχείρισης του νερού» στα πλαίσια του Έργου Περιφερειακής Αριστείας Eye 4Water. 9 Μαίου 2023 Αμφιθέατρο εκδηλώσεων Τμήματος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΔΠΘ. Πανεπιστημιούπολη Κιμμέρια Ξάνθη.
Πρόγραμμα Εκδήλωσης
Post event update : Hybrid (physical-virtual real-time) Workshop in “Innovative Seismic Protection of Structural Elements and Structures with Novel Materials”, Friday 24th of February, place: Civil Engineering Department DUTh, Conference Center, Xanthi, Greece
We humbly announce that this open, fast and dense hybrid workshop in DUTh, is a joint initiative together with different universities, companies and administrations, ITU, CUT, UL, UP, ZAG, FAR, CityU, TUD, U Napoli, U Sannio, Linnaeus, Tongji, Imperial, Primary Schools of Xanthi, starting February 2nd. Our Civil Engineering Department embraced the organization of the event providing our Congress Center.
Our organizing team announced open participation and managed to accommodate all interested supporter organizers, sponsors and presenters up to the last day before the workshop.
In total 39 friends of DUTh from leading teams all over the world presented excellent invited elaborations with 3 primary schools of Xanthi among them – 4th, 14th and 3rd Schools supported by their primary school administration.
We had the honor to open the workshop with the core presentation by Prof Alper Ilki, ITU. Prof Alper Ilki was assigned by the Turkish Ministry to check with his 50 member team the public buildings and critical infrastructure in Gaziantep and next in Hatay region during the workshop day, presenting from Adana.
The link to the ppt presentation kindly sent by Prof Alper Ilki:
Ilki, A.; Demir, C.; Goksu, C.; Sarı, B. A brief outline of February 6, 2023 Earthquakes (M7.8-M7.7) in Türkiye with a focus on performance/failure of structures; Workshop on Innovative Seismic Protection of Structural Elements and Structures with Novel Materials, Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh): Civil Engineering Department, Xanthi, Greece, Febr 24, 2023.
This is a comprehensive, extensive and in depth, state of the art presentation on what happened and still goes on from a structural point of view, while still conducting urgent elaborations in-situ.
We would like to thank very much Prof Alper Ilki for his time, shared with us and for the illustrative presentation and detailed response to questions asked!
In total 14 different sessions in 6 hours, 158 different participants have attended the presentations of the workshop digitally from all over the world and had discussions. In all different sessions 254 participants were connected while some participated physically in 5 different locations in our Congress Center Civil Engineering Department.
Over the next days the participants and presenters will be sent by the organization team their confirmations of attendance etc.
We encourage all participants to send us, with permanent and open access links, their uploaded (to their google drive, dropbox or other cloud providers) photos, presentations or videos with credits to our workshop and we will try to disseminate accordingly.
Please use the following already known link for any inquiries of links or comments to help us better prepare the dissemination of the links or the confirmations of attendance etc: https://lnkd.in/da4wzHAQ
We expect the results and conclusions of this workshop will attract people interested in seismic protection and community resilience.
Congratulations to all participants, presenters and their teams as well as to our iternational and local organization team.
Many thanks to our Sponsors Democritus University of Thrace, Democritus Campus Café, Neotek https://neotek.gr/
More presentations and workshop dissemination material will be posted in
The local SES CED DUTh organization team